A limited number of breaths i will do
In a limited time of my life
A limited number of dinners I’ll make
And limited jobs I will try
I’ll love only handful of people
And a handful another I’ll know
A limited number of errors I’ll make
Leaving always the room for some more
There is always the room for some more
A limited number of songs i will know
In a limited number of ways
A limited number of heartbeats I’ll grow
In my limited number of days
I’ll wait a limited number of buses
And [only] limited miles i will walk
A limited number of dreams that i chase
And I’ll reach even less than i want
And I’ll reach even less than i want
I will break 10 thousand records
And 10 thousand more i will fail
I will live in a limited volume
In a limited space of my head
And while i do so I’m going to sing
A limited number Of breaths i will do
In a limited time of my life
A limited number of dinners I’ll make
And limited jobs I will try
I’ll love only handful of people
And a handful another I’ll know
A limited number of errors I’ll make
Leaving always the room for some more
There is always the room for some more
A limited number of songs i will know
In a limited number of ways
# In a limited number of days
A limited number of heartbeats I’ll grow
In my limited number of days
# In a limited number of ways
I’ll wait a limited number of buses
And [only] limited miles i will walk
A limited number of dreams that i chase
And I’ll reach even less than i want
And I’ll reach even less than i want
I will break 10 thousand records
And 10 thousand more i will fail
# And 10 thousand more i will start
I will live in a limited volume
In a limited space of my head
# In a limited space of my mind
And while i do so I’m going to sing
17 apr 2021