5_5 4_3

5.5 Gamma spectrums

  • Calculate schematics for the transimpedance amplifier for the work

  • Make a list of isotopes tha cannot be resolved in the given setup

  • Calculate probability of a bit-flip in the nearby PC caused by the emmited radiation

4.3 Correlation-based activity measurements

  • Theory that predicts the 180 deg emission

  • Make predictions for the background noise to trigger correlation scheme, calculate probability for the proper event to be ignored in the experiment


  • Show equipment used for gamma spectroscopy in the top-tier research articles this year

  • Calculate the nformational throughput of a channel that uses given radioactive sources as signal and shielding as modulation

  • Study the standards for the ionising radiation permitted dozes. Report the hazards of it and minimal flow for various types and energy ranges