
So the other day I’ve paid for Midjourney. April the 1st deadline was approaching and I needed a number of illustrations for the video. It was the first time the Midjourney bot denied my prompt claiming it was too busy at the moment to communicate with non-paying customers. That’s how I received 200 minutes of machine time for $10.

With video illustrations cost of about 10 minutes I was left with some field for experiments. I’ve had a number of illustrations ideas for the future-over-the-horison time when I am rich enough to arrange creation of illustrations for T-shirts, so I fed all of my ideas to the machine. And here’s how it went:

T-shirt ideas.

Note: images are scaled down to 500x500 since I’m hosting on Github and I don’t want to abuse it’s generosity. Originals are around 1000x1000

Note: Some of the prompts are written before the images on a separate line

Note: Comments are written below the images

  1. Lineage2 - themed:

    1. La2 item+15 + in the enchant window generator

    No pic

    1. La2: 923 . . -_-

    No pic

    1. La2 hero glow effect+optional class logo generator +nickname?

    No pic

    1. La2 Elpi lvl 2

      elpy lvl 2 heroic

      Gotta add text “Elpy lvl 2” in light green on top of his head

    2. La2 Buff slot generator

    No pic

    1. La2 castles series (Check image models to beautify screenshots)

      MJ: Not good enough:

      aden-like castle

    2. La2 Bighead zaken cute (check image models)

      MJ: BAD

      zaken not cute

  2. Queen Victoria taking selfie: “My life my rules”

    Victoria taking selfie1

    victoria taking selfie 2

  3. Unshaved Kennedy toothbrushing: -I wake up in the morning.. Not because it is easy, but because it is hard

    President Kennedy just woke up and is shaving in front of bath mirror. Depressed, realistic, archive photo, portrait

    President Kennedy doing morning procedures. Archive photo

    Kennedy in the morning ready

  4. Motivational “Wake up in the morning? I Can! I Will!” (?Because I can?)

    Cold war agitational poster for early wake up company

    A poster with a strong lady sleeping

    An agitational poster of a sleeping woman from this image

    we can sleep1

    we can sleep2

    Perhaps another text would be better. Or no text. The image turned out nice if one does not mention the fingers

  5. Waking up is not a coincidense. It was intended!” ?Waking up today was intended. Not just luck?

    A depressed man happy to wake up

    An owl man in a classy suit is sleeping in a big white bed in the big classy bedroom


    Image is better than I expected. Although not enough literally interpreted

  6. Marthin Luther King giving a speech holding an iPhone: “I used to have a dream

    Martin Luther King is giving his speech holding an iPhone. Archive photo

     Someone is holding a phne for him

  7. Brain portrait giving a speech in BW archive: “I have a dream!

    Mouse is giving big speech in front of the audience. Mouse taken from image

    Mouse is giving big speech in front of the audience. Mouse taken from image 2d, flat, cartoon, warner brothers, confident

     Brain is scary in this one

  8. Chicken Boo meditating “A spirit lies within

    A chicken from this image is meditating

     would rather redo

  9. Moon landing scene with a surprised giant spermatozoid getting out of the lander “One small step for one. And a decent sized step for someone else

    Considered inappropriate by company code

    No pic

  10. Tourists in the jungle. A-la abbey road. Wearing VR headsets. “Welcome to the Jungle

    This one is from Dall-E

    jungle, people, headsets

    Another attempt with a different prompt

    more detailed less exciting

  11. Chicken Boo “We shall fight in the hills

    A chicken from this image looks like Roosevelt

    Nope. Not even close

    No pic

  12. Rosa Luxemburg in front of the mirror “When you look into a mirror, do you see a better woman or an equal woman?” -Philomena Cunk

    A strong woman is looking into a mirror. Poster cold war

    Not exciting

    No pic

  13. Official merch of “Quantum Chimp Cryptography Research Center”

    Quantum Chimp laboratory. Physics, optical table, lasers, mirrors

    quantum chimp variation quantum chimp variation quantum chimp variation quantum chimp variation quantum chimp variation

  14. PvZ-themed sheriff “I am the Law. The Law of the Lawn

    A plant from this image is a sheriff

    Nope. Keeps inventing new characters

    No pic

  15. Hawaiian Cowboy wardrobe “I’m heading for the last round-up

    Two-door wooden wardrobe closet standing on the beach of Hawaii with closed doors. There is a huge cowboy hat ontop of it and a flower lei. Flowers in the frame, sunny, green mountain and ocean in the background –niji –q 2

    not bad for starters. Needs work

    This was the hardest but the most priority for me. And still it needs too much rework

  16. Logo “Manual brainwash only”

    Brains in the washing machine. Flat 2d logo, black and white –q 0.3

    brainwash options

  17. Spike Milligan with pants down: “So you like subtlety?

    No go. ‘Pants down’ is not allowed as a prompt. Although the continuation of the story was “… and then he pulled down the other pants”

    No pic

  18. Tom and Jerry in the court “If I had a hammer

    Creepy cats and creepy mice. Totally not the ones needed

    No pic

  19. Sexy Garth from Wayne’s World “SHWING!

    Man from the image for Tinder photo

    Garth is too grown up

    No?? I mean he is shwing but he is not Garth. Shoul have polled my photoes through. Silly me

  20. Garth and Bugs bunny in a dress: “Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?

    Stupid idiotic references and over-fitting stupid furries drawn by amateurs. No go here. Tried twice

    No pic

  21. Yakko Warner “If at first you don’t succeed - blame it on your parents

    Same problem. Make it draw this exact ‘rabbity-monkeyish’ character happenned to be impossible for me

    No pic

  22. Andy Warhole - stilysed drawing of black hole photo

    I’d rather do try it myself

    No pic

  23. Ghetto swag gothic font typographic with english gramar rules as filler text

    Requires common sense. Not for networks. ALthough they say Adobe released something with texts and fonts. Too lazy at the moment

    No pic

  24. Dirac sea formula + “Antimatter lives matter

    Will DIY

    No pic

  25. A classy gentlemanish dude showing OK with an owl on his head/shoulder “Oll Korrect”

    Best thing was to add an image of owl as a decoration to a classy suit. Second best try was to make a classy owl man

    No pic

  26. Elton series. For those who does not know the reference, there’s a song I’m still standing. So I fell in the loop. I’m still..

    1. Spending: in the glasses shop?

      with glasses to choose

    2. Sanding: as a sandblaster/carpenter

      sandlblaster elton john

      Forgot to prompt for a carpenter

    3. Sending: ski jump

      skier boa

    4. Saddning: Keanu Reeves on the bench

      not quite but the image is good

      Not the best shot but the image was nice still

    5. Branding: with a baseball costume “Elton”

      baseballer leton

      And it turned out he has already made a baseball-like costume himself. What a man!

    6. Trending: holding a twitter with his photo?

      With a cute bird happy

      This one was cool

    7. Vending: near coke vending machine

      As stated

    8. Landing: as a pilot in the Broigler 747?

      pilot on a sunset

      Wish network added piano keyboard to the plane cabin. Not this time

    9. Lending: behind the bank reception

      v1 of banker

      v2 of banker

    10. Handing: as a santa Claus with piano keys in his sack?

      no keys. Just gifts

      Not quite the santa. But I like the image anyway


    No neurons required. DIY

    No pic

  28. Brain protrait. “Dream big @ Work hard

    He can draw a mouse. And he can draw a brain. But not Brain The Mouse

    No pic

  29. The Tick as a bum with a cardboard: “Will spoon for justice

    tick sad and old

    Far from the expected quality but it’s so bad it’s good. Used ‘blend’ feature for this one

  30. The Tick for president holding a bill: Tick4life

    Did not even try. Cartoon characters are way worse than Elton John

    No pic

  31. Toad Mushroom the pickuper: “Girls ain’t calling me magic mushroom for nothing

    Got a nice reference photo but turning humanoid mushrooms into pickupers is not the top skill of the network

    No pic

  32. Ghetto Toad the Mushroom with a “Hello my name is REISHI” badge

    Ref: ghetto background background 2 hello reishi fungi cap ghetto shroom cartoony

  33. Donkey Kong as an asian truck driver: “Honk if you Donk Kong”

    donkey the truck driver

    Not enough asian. Also it copied the vertical photo framing of a mobile phone. Still satisfied with the blending of two images. Not production ready though

  34. Tick hand: “Let’s go sane in a crazy world”

    It was bad

    No pic

  35. Dwarves ASCII We neet to go deeper

    dicaprio as a dwarf


    Not the best but not the worst. Would have been better with a silouette of the second dude for visual reference.

    Also, it was Dwarf Fortress reference

  36. Dwarves: “Yeah, bed rock. Very funny”

    Although drawing hot:: dog:: is in the manual, drawing bed:: rock:: was impossible

    No pic

  37. “It’s a match!”: ccorr_normed formula

    DIY. Does this make me a nerd officially?

    No pic

  38. Avoid the so-called real world for as long as possible. It hit me in this video at around 1.30

    skate deck

    There is a big lack of skateboarding photoes for learning. I’d rather use the original screenshot

  39. My friend likes to hang around (a deprressive dude with a slip knot tied): - Hi, nice to meet you

    I failed to get a proper prompt for two dudes at the party and one of them is presenting the other to a random person. When the other is looking shy and is has a tied rope on his neck

    No pic

  40. Communicating with people verbally.. That’s always a pain in the ass -Slash. Quote from the video interview by Nikki Sixx

    slash as is

    Slash is guaranteed to be Slash. All of his photoes present one single person for decades

  41. Bonus: an illustration to the ancient(?) song Chihuahua

    too much chihuahua

  42. Bonus: I’ve tried to remix Keeanu Reeves photo without Elton:

    sad dude bright colours

    sad dude bright colours variant


  1. Cool tool

  2. To push it as a t-shirt prints I’ll have to spend couple hundred dollar equivalent more fr designers to cleanup or redo the generated stuff

  3. It is way better to use the tool with flags and other tricks from (this article)[]

  4. I’ll try to make a T-shirt shop even with 3-4 images in the coming weeks because yes