Lawnmower game
A typical habitant obtains a lawnmower and persuades his lawnmower dude career.
Backyard (intro)
Host: A teepee as a neighbour
Cutscene: explosion behind the fence. Mower flies in. LawnmowerMan: “Excuse me sir. Could it by any coincidence be of your belonging?” N: “Thanks for asking. Most certainly indeed it is. Don’t bother getting it back, you may own it for now” LM: “Thank you very much indeed. Could I repay you for such a generousity? I cannot help but mention it seems like a bit of help would suffice you well” N: “Call medics. Have a good day sir” LM: “Have a finest day indeed”
? Add russian accent to LawnMower LM?
Got basic lawnmower. Should be silent. Hand-operated. Degrass backyard lawn. Slow and anti-arcade
Night neighborhood mow
Cutscene: “This night I felt it is my destiny. From now on I will become a Lawnmower …” (%secondname% pick: Man | Woman | Undecided | Non-binary | Prefer Not to Answer). “Now I have to spread the word of my impeccable tangency”
Objective: mow an ad on the frontyards in the neighborhood. One symbol per yard. Given a sketch on the napkin: “LAWNMOWER ->”
Introduced: speeding-aka-nitro ?
Location: Sort of average american neighborhood. For lack of good models use canvases with free photoes of historical places. Plus houses of the other characters
Night, poor light. Flashlight taped to the mower
Dog: barks and moves closer. Either run away and return later or mow the dog until it runs away.
Fireworks: house lights up in celebration
Fences, bricks, water (whale fin)
Dialog: Houseowner: “Hey, who’s there?” LM “Emm.. Knock-knock, sir!” HO “Who’s there?” LM “Lawnmower, sir” HO “Lawnmower who?” LM “Lawnmower %secondname%” LM “This joke is really not funny”
SMC-themed race
Cutscene. “Lawnmower John listening”. Lawnwario “I have seen your L. I was waiting for years for a lawnmower to appear in the neighborhood. Quick come to my place! And don’t forget the helmet”. . . “Hi, my name is Gave, but people call me Normal Gave. Why? Because I’m Normal! Win me a lawnmower race and I will give you my mowerino. Lose a race and you will mow me a lawn for free till the end of the seas”
Objective: win an SMC-type race in the backyard. Track is planted with grass. Each loop cut grass is added to the score. When first one hits five loops top score wins (perhaps add some secs to finish)
Mechanics: drifting and weird cart jumping are essential. Not using the optimal racing curves might be fun
Easter: add unskippable nonsence cutscene for win by crossing finish line immediately while speedrunning
Haunted Hills
Host: Elfira The Mistress of Wood. Googly-eyed toothbrush
CS. “Oh, Lawnmower, hi. I awfully need someone to shave my hills. Hurry up” . . “Hi, I am Elfira. Since my husband left there is noone to mow the backyard. It’s haunted!. You may take his mower too”
Location: toungue-in-cheek map that spans several acres.
Mechanics: A lawnmower is a LAWMOWINATOR-3000: huge mower that cuts grass, trees and marble statues. Very slow acceleration and high top speed, wide turning arc. Should provoke cartoonish driving. Or very slow driving.
Obstacles: add a pond, two hills, a valley with a sand pit. And a art-deco fence to spot the no-go-zone. Perhaps a block of marble to carve a statue with lawnmowinator-3000
Economics: ’nator will eat lots of fuel so if I am to add ecomonics to the game using handmower might bring tons of money with this mission. If I bring an option to choose the tool. Most likely not
Slowest mower chase
Silent Hill parody
Host: pyramid-head with googly eyes and roman-parody clothing. A paddle and a kid might suffice
CS: “Thanks goodness, Lawnmower! I ’ve heard you are the specialist in paranormal and cleansing the haunted. There are spooky ghosts in my yard. I am too afraid to go there. Please help”
Mechanics: low vision, ghosts of lawnmower mechanics stall the mower for a while. Have to maneuvre between them. Also Husband on LAWNMOWINATOR should pass through at certain point
Zen sand garden
Host: Alien Buddist Monkey Monk meditating
Location: Zen garden with sand and stones
CS: Alien Monke: “Garden needs treatment” LM: “IT’s like sand. Your garden is sand”. M:“It depends on your inner paradigms. Leave no bad thoughts. Leave no thoughts. Leave not” LM: “I would shave a tortoise if I’m paid” [if=provided, while, whence] M:“If the eternity is the tortoise, why does it like salad?”
Objective: Just go around the sand zen garden. Redo if the work is done not thoroughly enough
Mechanics: should plant invisible grass here and increase the requirements for percent shaved
Obstacles: stones.
Zombies on the lawn
Host: A pineapple sheriff in a karate suit with an eye on each pineapple coat section
CS: Plant: “Hi, I’m Son of Lower Plain T. There’s a party tonight and [son f a law. plant. That’s irony] … Look into my eyes! So, there’s a party tonight and I want you to prepare my yard so that.. Look into my eyes, please! My friends there are preparing for the party. I want this to be there. Questions?” LW “What’s wrong with..” P: “No questions. Get to work. I’ll watch you from here”
Objective: Draw a 5x9 grid on the lawn. The zombies are shuffling randomly around the lawn.
Mechanics: When Z traps LM an effect is applied: cross left-right, up-down, keypress delay, random presses, screen flips.
CS: Normal Gave: “Hi, there’s something grown on my lawn. Won’t you come and check it? Wink”
Objective: the pacman lawn with rose-cladded walls.
Mechanics: One ghost is level reset, one respawn, other two: minus heart
Obstacles: add toroid looping perhaps //absolutely
Business Center
CS: Manager: “Hi, a friend of mine recommended you as a professional mower. We have business here to be done. It’s like we are doing business but theres is some business that is your business in our business, so it’s your business to handle this business. We are very busy business people so we expect highest quality of your business here.”
Objective: get to the top of the scyscraper and mow the tiny lawn
Obstacles: up 20 floors by stairs
Mechanics: add panic and flock dynamics of running businessmen. Additional sidequests on the floors:
- carpet is too thick to find a wedding ring (a hand in a bandana with googly eyes)
- attack of evil potatoes
- aquarium is blooming
- the sheep are not sheared (the zoomer battery with a rabbit bakcpack)
- mix chemicals in the bath
- ++
A corn field
-> Bonus level for all completed sidequests from the previous mission?
CS:Zoomer: “Hi, I’ve seen your work in the business center. I’m sure you are the one to do the job properly. On my rganic farm I only use traditional methods. Get the scythe and handle the field please”
Mechanics: scythe is controlled by a mouse.
Obstacles: cut must be not higher than given. Too low cut will stuck the scythe in the ground resulting in time penalty
Melon Tusk pt1
Location: Star base in the desert
CS: Guard of the starbase: “Hello, are you the grass-related secret person? Please come in”
Objective: drive mower through the whole facility to a suspiciously tiny piece of grass that looks not fitting the surroundings
Obstacles: tesla cars, rockets, holes in the ground from the boring machines
Melon Tusk pt2
Location: Moon
CS: Melon Tusk: “Good job man. You must be tired. There, take a shower”. Splashes from the bucket. “Yes, we’re doing it because it is cheaper than separate shower rooms. I bet you want to rest a bit. There, get into the our cosy sleeping capsule”. Pushed into the rocket. Sent to the Moon. “I guess you have read the contract, right?”
Objective: mow a minigolf course on the Moon
Mechanics: will go flying if moving too fast and on bumps
Area 51
CS: President: “I am happy to announce that the country has finally found a professional to handle one of the toughest problems nation ever faced. I have read your CV and with your brilliant expertise permit me to assign this piece of work”. Pushed behind the fence, gates closed, everyone is excitedly watching
Objective: mow mysterious mushrooms over area 41. Screaming mushrooms? Your princess is in another castle?
Obstacles: aliens shooting lasers?
Davis Bestrunner circus pt1
Host: Travis Bestrunner, the owner of the circus
Location: Megaramp in the Nitro Circuis
CS: Travis Bestrunner to the camera: “Hi, I’m Travis Bestrunner, the creator of High Octane Troupe. We invited you to film a record attempt of a NBD trick by a top professional, the hero national, the shenanigans thrower, The Super Lawnmower [man/woman/prefer not to answer/…]. Today he will perform the infamous double mower megaramp soda flip live for you”. Mower dude: “What?”
Objective: run over megaramp and perform the dance-dance-revolution-style sequence
Obstacles: the sequence is next to impossible to do. If it is done, then an unskippable cutscene is shown to add the fun to the speedrunners
Davis Bestrunner circus pt2
CS: Lawnmower dude is being patched up and put for the second try. They added grass to the slope. Now it’s slo-mo
Objective: same thing but slower and epicer
You are a nation hero and you should draw an image to batman-like project onto the clouds